Szumma #113 – 2018 23. hét

Az elmúlt hét legfontosabb/hasznosabb linkjeit szedtem össze.

Nos… Microsoft + GitHub = Empowering Developers

.NET Core + ASP.NET Core + .NET

  1. Strings Are Evil
  2. Under the hood of ASP.NET Core WebHooks – Routing
  3. Exploring the .NET Core 2.1 Docker files (updated): dotnet:runtime vs aspnetcore-runtime vs sdk
  4. How to record metrics to DataDog from ASP.NET Core

Backend + cloud

  1. Getting Started with Azure Container Instances
  2. Build a CI/CD pipeline in the cloud: part one
  3. Continuous Integration with TeamCity and Docker


  1. 1551 Essential C# with Mark Michaelis – .NET Rocks podcast
  2. A Stack data structure implementation using Span
  3. .Net Framework – Tuple Trouble: Why C# Tuples Get to Break the Guidelines
  4. Pattern matching in switch statements
  5. Asynchronous Programming in .NET – Task-based Asynchronous Pattern (TAP)

Eszközök + osztálykönyvtárak

  1. May 2018 (version 1.24) – Visual Studio Code
  2. What’s Next for Visual Studio
  3. Announcing .NET Framework 4.8 Early Access build 3621!
  4. Announcing ML.NET 0.2

Metodológia + elmélet

  1. Church-encoded Maybe


  1. Microsoft Buys GitHub: The Linux Foundation’s Reaction
  2. Blazor 0.4.0 experimental release now available
  3. Free E-Book: A Developer’s Guide to Building AI Applications
  4. Microsoft and GitHub: The Implications for Developers
  5. 👋 Hello, GitHubA bright future for GitHub
  6. Automating my development machine installation
  7. An Introduction to Blazor

Kérdések, ötletek, javaslatok, linkek jöhetnek kommentben, twitteren, vagy ahol épp megtaláltok.

Szerző: Fülöp Dávid

I'm a software developer, trainer, Microsoft MVP interested in .NET and related technologies. Currently mostly .NET Core, Docker, Kubernetes...
