Szumma #104 – 2018 14. hét

Az elmúlt hét legfontosabb/hasznosabb linkjeit szedtem össze.

.NET Core + ASP.NET Core + Blazor

  1. Create a CRUD App using Blazor and ASP.NET Core
  2. Scalable and Performant ASP.NET Core Web APIs: Importing Data
  3. Learn Blazor
  4. What’s This and Can I Delete It? Examining A Default ASP.NET MVC Project
  5. Revisited: Is WCF faster than ASP.NET Core? Of course not! Or is it?
  6. ASP.NET Core and the Strategy Pattern
  7. Easier functional and integration testing of ASP.NET Core applications

Backend + cloud

  1. Immutable Servers: Why?
  2. Architecting your app http service – Consuming rest APIs
  3. PubSub Infrastructure with Stephen Blum – Software Engineering Daily podcast – kicsit nagyon pubnub-specifikus, de elhangzik néhány érdekesség
  4. Building distributed applications with Akka.NET – Channel9 On .NET
  5. How to run Windows Containers on Compute Engine
  6. Debugging and Diagnostics of Durable Functions – Channel9 On .NET

Version Control

  1. Don’t Ignore the Fundamentals – All Things Git podcast
  2. Git Strategizing: Branch, Commit, Review, and Merge


  1. 4 Go Language Criticisms – akkor nem csak én csodálkozom, hogy egy generics nélküli és normális függőségkezeléssel nem rendelkező nyelv még létezik… 🙂
  2. ECMAScript Goodies I: Check out the ES2017 Major Features
  3. Writing F# to implement ‘The Single Layer Perceptron’ – itt a folytatás, most már tényleg F# kóddal
  4. C# 8.0 Features: A Final Glimpse Of The Future
  5. Unit testing Finalizers in C#
  6. Exploring Dependency Injection in C# – part 1.
  7. Using async iteration natively in Node.js

Eszközök + osztálykönyvtárak

  1. Node v9.11.0
  2. Memory View – Exploring .NET memory while debugging with Rider 2018.1
  3. Microsoft releases HTML5-based Remote Desktop web client preview
  4. Windows 10 SDK Preview Build 17125

Metodológia + elmélet

  1. Understanding Technical Debt – Complete Developer podcast
  2. 78. Deliberate Practice for Programmers – Coding Blocks podcast
  3. Lessons from inheriting another team’s codebase
  4. The Testing Show – Syntax Podcast
  5. Maybe monoids
  6. AiA 183: TDD with Shai Reznik – Adventures in Angular podcast
  7. The Who, What, When, and How of Pair Testing
  8. Depending on Functions Instead of Interfaces – Why and How
  9. Episode 326 | Alex Balazs – Find Your Voice – Developer On Fire podcast
  10. Fairy Tales – Complete Developer podcast
  11. Perspectives on Mob Programming


  1. The Evolution of the DBA – Challenges, Changes and Upcoming Trends


  1. VIM: Hard Mode – kész, vége, bezárhatjuk az internetet 😀
  2. Announcing Windows 10 Insider Preview Build 17639 for Skip Ahead
  3. Github Is Your Asynchronous Microservice Showroom – érdekes gondolat, nem tudom, hogy egyet értsek-e vele.
  4. Game Jamming in Unity: How to Code Faster + regware könyv a link mögött
  5. Observed Tech PODCAST Episode 260 #OTP – Observed Tech Podcast
  6. Episode 245 | The End of Windows as we Know it? Plus a News Roundup – Microsoft Cloud Show podcast
  7. Reminder: The Bot Framework State service has been retired – what you need to know
  8. Merge Conflict 91: Game Development Chit-chat

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Szerző: Fülöp Dávid

I'm a software developer, trainer, Microsoft MVP interested in .NET and related technologies. Currently mostly .NET Core, Docker, Kubernetes...
