Szumma #061 – 2016 41. hét

Az elmúlt hét legfontosabb/hasznosabb linkjeit szedtem össze.

Szoftverek, kiegészítők

  1. Introducing the ASP.Net Async SessionState Module
  2. Node v6.8.0
  3. Cache the result of an async method using LazyCache
  4. App Service Mobile Apps .NET Client SDK 3.0.1 release
  5. Scientist.NET 1.0 released!
  6. Cake!… Baking a new Build with C# Make
  7. UWP++ with UWP Community Toolkit 1.1


  1. Middleware Madness: Site Maintenance In ASP.NET Core
  2. Implementing Seeding, Custom Conventions and Interceptors in EF Core 1.0
  3. Optimising LINQ
  4. Sharing Authorization Cookies between ASP.NET 4.x and ASP.NET Core 1.0
  5. Implementing Language Understanding Intelligent Service (LUIS) In Microsoft Bot Framework
  6. Introduction to Authorisation in ASP.NET Core
  7. New Features of C# 7.0


  1. Immo Landwerth – Net Standard 2.0
  2. C# 7.0 – and beyond!
  3. Angular 2, first look and field impressions
  4. NoSQL Database Programming in .NET with NosDB (Open Source)
  5. Using Distributed Caching in .NET Applications with NCache (Open Source)
  6. Team Services Git Tutorial – 7 rövid videó a gitről


  1. Windows 10 Memory Compression And More
  2. An Experience Report of Moving a Complicated Codebase to the CoreCLR
  3. ES proposal: global
  4. Habits that Help Code Quality
  5. Function Application and Composition
  6. 4 Keys to a Clean Angular Implementation
  7. Lesser known Git commands

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Szerző: Fülöp Dávid

I'm a software developer, trainer, Microsoft MVP interested in .NET and related technologies. Currently mostly .NET Core, Docker, Kubernetes...
