Szumma #054 – 2016 34. hét

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Kicsit sok .NET Core és ASP.NET Core-cikk gyűlt össze, úgyhogy most abból van egy külön szekció.

Szoftverek, kiegészítők

  1. Visual Studio “15” Preview 4
  2. GitHub Extension for Visual Studio 2.0 is now available
  3. CodeRush for Roslyn: The Fastest .Net Test Runner
  4. UWP Community Toolkit


  1. Faster than Reflection: Delegates. Part 1.
  2. Database Building 101 – The storage layer | Database Building 101 – The cost of graph storage
  3. Wire – Writing one of the fastest .NET serializers
  4. ASP.NET MVC: Precompiling views
  5. What’s New in C# 7.0
  6. Tuple deconstruction in C# 7
  7. Creating a Serverless Backend for Mobile Apps


  1. Lucas Meijer – Unity 3D
  2. Announcing Visual Studio Code Intro Videos
  3. Erica Wu on the Bot Framework and Cognitive Services
  4. ASP.NET Monsters #60: Projections with Entity Framework Core
  5. The Maker Show: Azure IoT Starter Kits
  6. ASP.NET Monsters #61: Building APIs with Darrel Miller
  7. Phillip Carter – F#

(ASP).NET Core

  1. Moving to ASP.NET MVC Core 1
  2. Building a lightweight, controller-less, Markdown-only website in ASP.NET Core
  3. Looking At ASP.NET Core’s IApplicationLifetime
  4. ASP.NET Core Blog Series Part 2
  5. The basics of publishing your .NET Core web app
  6. ASP.NET Core 1.0 with MySQL and Entity Framework Core


  1. The Power of CQLinq for Developers
  2. Fixing JSON
  3. Work items now open in the web from Visual Studio ’15’
  4. Testing private/intranet applications using Cloud-based load testing
  5. Writing Less Damn Code
  6. The path towards better documentation
  7. Adventures in F# Performance

Kérdések, ötletek, javaslatok, linkek jöhetnek kommentben, twitteren, vagy ahol épp megtaláltok.

Szerző: Fülöp Dávid

I'm a software developer, trainer, Microsoft MVP interested in .NET and related technologies. Currently mostly .NET Core, Docker, Kubernetes...
