Szumma #048 – 2016 28. hét

Az elmúlt hét legfontosabb/hasznosabb linkjeit szedtem össze.

Szoftverek, kiegészítők

  1. WebStorm 2016.2
  2. Announcing TypeScript 2.0 Beta
  3. Visual Studio Code – June 2016 (version 1.3)
  4. Pomelo.EntityFrameworkCore.MySql – MySQL connector az EF Core-hoz
  5. Announcing Windows 10 Insider Preview Build 14390 for PC and Mobile


  1. Securing ASP.NET Web API
  2. .NET Standard Library with Xamarin Forms
  3. Customizing FormatFilter behavior in ASP.NET Core MVC 1.0
  4. Building a Bot using C# and Debugging using Bot Framework Emulator
  5. Creating a File in VSTS with APIs
  6. Visual Studio Text Adornment VSIX using Roslyn
  7. Getting started with F# on .NET Core


  1. Azure DocumentDB: Planet Scale NoSQL
  2. A quick demo of Azure Service Fabric with ASP.NET Core
  3. Cortana Intelligence Suite Overview
  4. ASP.NET Monsters Episode 47: Julie Lerman and the State of EF Core
  5. NuGet Deep Dive: Accelerating your .NET Development (kicsit régebbi, nem tudom, hogy csak most került elém)
  6. Async and Await, All the Things Your Mother Never Told You
  7. Using SQLite in Visual Studio Projects


  1. How to Write Your Own Programming Language in C#
  2. Build your features
  3. Aurelia: An Introduction
  4. Microsoft Press Lets Editorial Staff Go
  5. Seven ineffective coding habits many F# programmers don’t have
  6. The Progress of Web Apps
  7. The REST Report

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Szerző: Fülöp Dávid

I'm a software developer, trainer, Microsoft MVP interested in .NET and related technologies. Currently mostly .NET Core, Docker, Kubernetes...
